Today I attended a LLL meeting and a mother of twins (about 2 1/2 mo) and
9#+ each described an odd occurence.  She says that about 2 wk ago, the
female twin began to have tiny yellow "stones" in her stool.  She says
these are very hard and about 1/8" diameter, and are definitely made of
b.m.  The baby has no trouble passing these.  She tried to relate it to
something she had eaten, but could not.  Also the other twin did not have
any such "stones" in his stool.   These are yellow and there are no other
differences between their stools.  Hey Lactnetters, got any ideas.    Mom
is not too concerned, but very curious.
 Thanks for your help.   Michelle Scott, RD,MA,IBCLC working to network in
the community as I serve as WIC BF Coordinator and Peer Counselor