Lisa, you ask "Are we wrong to suggest potential remedies? "

There is soon to be a medical information internet line, which will tell what standard treatments are for a variety of problems.  On this, people will simply look up their own information, and from lack of knowledge, perhaps, get a lot of misinformation.  They will get misinformation because nobody is asking questions to help pinpoint their situations, and they may forget to factor  important issues into their equation.

On the other hand, when someone comes to an LC with a problem, the LC is usually face to face and can use all her senses, including her sixth sense, to see what is going on with mom.  Further she will, if she is good, ask many many questions before deciding this is thrush, or eczema or. . . On the telephone she will especially work very hard to get all the data.  We then make suggestions as to possible lines of tx.  We are not prescribing -- we are giving mother information with which she can return to her own HCP and make informed decisions.

As an RN on a perinatal unit, I do not prescribe medications for my patients.
On the other hand, if I see problems developing, I call the doctor, describe the situation, and ask if they would order . . .whatever.
Or I call the doctor to come further assess the situation if it isn't clear what is needed.

That is precisely what you are doing when you deal with the women and her HCP.  But some doctors see us as challenging  or undermining there authority, rather than empowering the moms in their healing.  They do not realize that empowering moms does not disempower them, but rather enables us all to go ahead further.

I hope now that the doc has let off steam, you will be able to approach him rationally either face to face or by letter, to explain to him how you see your role.

Sincerely,  Chanita