I'm still days behind....I wanted to comment on what Chanita said about
hosp LCs and the learning curve.  I worked as hosp LC from 86-91, PT.  At
first I got every "problem".  Then as staff watched me, had some inservice
and read, they began to start out on their own helping mom until I came in.
 Then they would say I did x, y, z, did I do it right?  Or I did x, y z and
it worked!  As they became more confident in their skills I was more an
information source and cheerleader for them.  This is the way it is
supposed to work, IMHO.  Seeing what they suggested help was it's own
reinforcement and reward.  This made them more inclined to try with the
next mom.  Before you dispair that this isn't the way things are going at
your hospital, please let me point out that it took several YEARS before
this started to happen.  I watched from afar what happened after I left and
I'm sorry to say that today-11 years later they are back to the same
old-same old reputation of being a place where moms don't get good start
with BF.  I think it was the BF cheerleader part that made the difference.
Pat in SNJ