I see that, once again, the folks at TIME have chosen to use a photograph of
a mother bottle-feeding her child to advertise your new web page of parent
advice.  This is a particularly unfortunate image to use to illustrate good
parenting, as infant formula is known to cause disease and death and result
in lower cognitive functioning in formula-fed children.  Bottle-feeding her
children is also linked to higher rates of breast, ovarian, and uterine
cancer and osteoporosis in the mother.  It was my understanding, via
Kathleen Huggins, who is under contract to answer the breastfeeding
questions posted to TIME's parenttime web page, that TIME had agreed not to
use this photo any more, and not to promote bottle-feeding as a healthy way
to feed children.  Were we both mistaken?

Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Nutrition
Texas A&M University