Hi Beth,

I checked in the Breastfeeding Answer Book concerning  a mother diagnosed
with Shingles, which said that if a mother has Shingles when her baby is born
to take the same precautions as with Herpes.
These precautions are as follows: (P. 461)

"When a new mother develops a herpes sore, breastfeeding can continue as long
as the baby does not touch the sore.  Any sores must be covered so that the
baby does not touch them.  Until all the sores are dried, the mother needs to
follow strict precautions:
     -wash her hands before holding the baby and after she touches the sores,
     -put clean coverings over the sores, and
     -avoid kissing the baby when she has a cold sore on or near her mouth.

If a sore on the mother's breast can be covered so that the baby does not
touch it breastfeeding can continue.  But if the sore is on the nipple or
areola, or anywhere the baby might come in contact with while he nurses, the
mother may need to express her milk from that breast until the sore heals.
 She can, however, continue to nurse on the unaffected breast.

If the mother's hand or breastpump touches the sore while the mother is
expressing, the milk could become contaminated with the virus.  In this case,
the milk should be discarded.  If the mother's hand or breastpump does not
touch the sore, the expressed milk can be given to the baby...."

This is all prefaced by a statement that Herpes has been proven fatal to
newborns up to three weeks of age.  Also, it's suggested that a doctor
knowledgeable in breastfeeding and Herpes be contacted regarding precautions.

I assume it would be the same for Shingles.
Hope this helps.

Gloria Thai    LLLLeader Hawai'i