HELP!  I have a client I've been working with who is having a problem with a
crack on her right nipple.  It is now a full split.  She's an experienced bf
mother of 3 and an RN.  She had to be hospitalized for a week after getting a
bad mastitis in that right breast.  It seemed to be healing, then split back
open again.  Mom states that baby just will not open her mouth wide, but
"licks and climbs" her way onto the breast.  She is using lanolin on it
already.  I suggested she nurse baby from the other breast exclusively and
pump the sore one (pump does not bother her) until it heals.  She has already
tried different positions, stopping and relatching baby, and I advised
against any artificial nipples.  I've encouraged her to take her vitamins,
eat healthy, and take some extra vitamin C.  Anybody have any other ideas?
 Baby is gaining great.   Thank you ahead of time for your help,
                                 Kim Hansen, RN, BSN, IBCLC
                                  Witcha Falls, Texas, USA