I work in a hospital setting and have the title of Coordinator of Milk
Bank and Breastfeeding Center.  My responsibilities include in patient
consults to both the NICU and the post partum floor.  I also consult with
antepartum inpatients who are expecting multiples also patients who have
infants readmitted to pedi post discharge.  I teach the prenatal
breastfeeding class and also do the outpatient consults.  We only charge
for the outpatient consults.  My productivity report, however, does
include the number of phone calls I receive, the number of consults I do
anywhere in the hospital, pedi and recovery or post surgical area.  If
anyone needs a pump post surgery I also keep track of those as consults.
If you would like to email me privately please do so.  My responsibilites
are many and I haven't even mentioned the resposibilities of the milk
bank or pump rental depot, because of the many NICU parents that are
pumping.  So, yes I understand your dilema.  My managers are looking for
the almighty dollar as well and don't take into consideration the many
(over 350) phone calls that are handled every month.  However, I do keep
a phone log and the number is entered in my monthly stats.
I don't know if this has helped at all, but just know you're not alone.
Darlene Breed RN, BSN, IBCLC