Had a call from a friend of mine who's nursing her 6 month old infant.  Babe
was exclusively bf for the first 10 weeks, until mom had to resume her job
outside the home.  Since returning to work baby has had this and that malady
ranging from RSV, rotovirus and several bouts of otitis media.  Mom was
initially pumping to keep up supply for baby during her absence, but due to a
non-supportive child-care giver and a less than enthusiastic spouse, baby is
now down to about half-time bf.  Baby wakes up routinely to nurse during the
night.  Mom nurses baby in bed, much to the chagrin of the spouse.  Her
spouse and physician have infered the reason for the increased incidence in
this baby's rate of ear infection is due to being nursed in a side lying
position at night in mom's (&  dad's) bed.  I think that explanation is
bologna, but wondered where I could find references?  Mom nursed her first
child until 18 months of age when under increasing pressure from spouse,
abruptly ceased.  I would appreciate hearing from anyone willing to privately
e-mailing me.  TIA
Mary Ann Dever, RN, GLC
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