Thanks so much for sharing the info. about the award for Nancy.  She is a
wonderful supporter of bf .  She is also the reason we have our successful
hospital-based LC service.  10 1/2 years ago she was our Neonatologist, and
required the hospital to start our program.  She saw that we got approprtiate
funding, supplies, and books for our knowledge base.  If the hospital was
slow in getting something she used her personal funds to obtain it for us.
 She encouraged us every step, and is the only person I know to stand up to
other Dr.'s for us.  She also sat the exam and is IBCLC.
Believe me, I wish we still had her.  Our program has cont. to grow, but it
has been a long uphill battle.  We started with 2 part-time LC'S, now, 3
full-time, 1 part-time, and 3 prn, all IBCLC.  Plus we have mentored others
along the way.   If Nancy is on-line, or if you know her, please tell her
THANKS!!!   And Congratulations!