I know we are a group of experts here so forgive me this question.  Isn't
there a difference between reflux and "spitting up".  A lot of what I am
reading is advice for spitting up.  True reflux is a medical condition.
 Spitting up is just anoying.  If a baby is gaining wt., is otherwise happy
the spitting up should not be delt with by dietary restrictions and worry.  I
think some parents need to know that like crying that " it happens" and
sometimes we can help and sometimes you just carry extra clothes and wipes
with you.  Oh, and warn others before they pick up the baby.
  My 1st and 3rd were spitters.  Sometimes forcefully so it could have been
called projectile.  One now hates milk the other loves it so go figure.
 Thank goodness that with my 1st I had LLL book and it said " What's a little
spilt milk between friends".  I took that and cont not to worry...