With pro-breastfeeding legislation being introduced more frequently, La Leche League Leaders
are frequently asked for help in rallying forces, contacting legislators, or giving expert testimony to
help get the bills passed..  I wish to clarify a few things that I have been asked about recently.

Due to the non-profit status of our organization, LLL must not "attempt to influence Legislation or
to participate in any extent in a political campaign for or against any candidate for Public office".
We can, however, share resources with those who ask us.  Of course, as individuals not using
our LLL credentials, we can approach and lobby for a cause we believe in, just not as a
representative of LLLI.   There are many resources Leaders have that can be beneficial for those
who are drafting and/or supporting legislation, and we are very happy to provide resources for
those who requests them.

Sandee Luttkus
Area Professional Liaison Leader
PO Box  274
Westhope, ND 58793