In a message dated 97-05-16 18:02:56 EDT, you write:

<< Breastfeeding is *not* just for the
 perfect mothers.  Indeed, these babies need their mother's milk *more*
 than the babies of "perfect" mothers.  They are much more at risk for
 everything we always talk about in these posts.  And since most drug
 abusers are relatively young, this baby won't be the last, usually.
 Remember those to come too, and have pity on them. >>

Dr. Jack,
I agree with you completely. These babies are at HIGH risk for ending up dead
in the dumpsters and rivers and in shallow graves, especially if their
mothers do not bond well,  and that even happens down here in sleeply South
Central Virginia. If they need anything in their innocent little lives, they
need their mothers to bond with them -- the kind of bonding that comes from
lots of intimacy and physical contact that makes a women good, and to feel
the strongest of feelings, deep, unconditional, complete, self sacrificing
love and acceptance.  Those kinds of feelings are powerful,  can heal a
person and help overcome the reasons she is using drugs and living the way
she is.  I have seen the love for a baby turn many women around.  Don't
ignore this.  I am not condoning drug use while nursing, but just pleading
for all of you to see the WHOLE picture, and realize the drug in the milk is
jus a part of the picture.  AND when you have a mother who WANTS to
breastfeed, look closer, work harder to help her.  She is one who you have a
chance of saving.  Her baby is NOT safe just because you keep the mother's
possible drug contaminated milk from the infant.

Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC
former public health nurse in inner city Washington, D. C. and I've seen all
sides of this issue.