I know this topic has probably been discussed before but while I am
trying to access the archives I am asking again.  A mother who is
nursing a 5 month old has pinworms.  Her other 4 kids aren't showing
any signs but she is anxious about infecting her baby and the family
is about to go off and visit relatives for a couple of weeks.  The 2
medications that I know of  mebendazole (Vermox) and pyrantil pamoate
(Antiminth)  aren't in Dr. Hale's
book and what I have read about them says they are not recommended in
kids under 2 years of age and have not been tested in that age range.
Does anybody know what the risks are if the mom were to take one of
these?  If she were to avoid breastfeeding after taking the
medication, it is a one dose type, how long would she have to discard
her milk for?  Thanks.  The mom is very uncomfortable and
discouraged, this is the second time in 6 months that her family has
had to deal with this.
Susanna Eve (LLLL in Halifax, NS)

Susanna Eve ([log in to unmask])
(full time homeschooling mom to 4 big boys and one baby girl)
Canadian Homeschool Resource Page:  http://www.flora.org/homeschool-ca
Voice of Women--NS:  http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/CommunitySupport/VOW/vow.html