When nursing my son, my daughter, then 2(she's the one who wouldn't have
anything to do with me she'd say"I caaaaann't--I'm cryyyyyiinng!!) I must
have had expressed milk for some reason, and she tasted it{she is the only
one who ever much drank cow's milk and still likes it} She said "That's not
milk, that's TEA!!" My grandma would (still does) fix them tea(actually milk
and sugar with a little tea in it!)
So since it was so sweet and tasty, it couldn't be milk(cow)
Here's a sad story--not a crying one...
My 13 yo had a friend over yesterday, their teacher's last day because her
baby is due in 2 weeks. I talked to the teacher and gave her a book, as she
said-"there wouldn't be milk there if it was for no reason" I'm thrilled she
will nurse! Sad part-Sara's friend said to Sara about breastfeeding--"I
wouldn't do that to my kid-put my kid thru that!! Besides I want to have a
couple of kids!!" etc-sad that a 12 yr old could have such strong negative
feelingsabout breastfeeding-wonder where she got them? I was overhearing this
from the bathroom so couldn't join in the discussion...wish I could have!
  Oh well, don't realize how lucky we are!!
                                                   Georgeanne Mattise,
Scranton, PA