Lisa wrote:
<I've always felt that it was the foreign protein that usually
caused trouble with ABMS, not lactose per se.>

The problem is that the companies keep changing their story to
create a market for the latest product.

For example, Mead Johnson told us first that cow milk protein
allergy was the cause of excess crying and Nutramigen was the
answer.  Next, lactose was the cause of "common feeding problems"
and soy formula was the answer.  Next, cow protein was apparently no
longer such a problem and they were promoting their lactose free
cows' milk based formula, produced from a hat just as the dangers of
soy started to surface (I am told sales in Australia of soy formula
have dropped dramatically). Now, physiological infant reflux is a
"common problem that affects about 50% of all infants" and their new
(cows' milk) formula thickened with rice flour is the answer.

Lisa, no wonder you are puzzled.  I'd stick with breastmilk.

Ros Escott BAppSc IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia