
Can you use Miriam Labbok's schema and framework for breastfeeding
definitions when you collect your statistics?  I have always thought that
if this were used in defining the breastfeeding and nonbreastfeeding
groups, we would see far more dramatic differences in all the research
studies. The schema is meant to be used at any one point in time, and
differentiates between breastfeeding as "full" (exclusive or almost
exclusive), "partial" (high, medium or low) and "token" (minimal, token or
irregular).  It is diagrammed in an easy-to-use format, like a flow chart.
"Exclusive breastfeeding" is defined as no other liquid or solid being
given to the infant.  "Almost exclusive" is defined as "vitamins, minerals,
water, juice, or ritualistic feeds given infrequently in addition to
breastfeeds."  The schema does not ask whether the breastmilk is given by
feeding at the breast or as pumped milk via bottle, cup, or other means.
That would be interesting information, too. The flow chart used to be
available through the Institute of Reproductive Health at Georgetown
University, Washington, D.C.  Labbok is no longer there, I believe. It was
published as "The Lactational Amenorrhea Method: A Postpartum Intorductory
Family Planning Method with Policy and Program Implication." in Advances in
Contraception 1994; 10:93-101.  Perhaps another lactnetter will know how to
more easily obtain copies of this chart.  It would be really nice to see it
published some time in JHL.

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL leader in Madison, WI