I'm still working with my low milk supply mom.  She went to the OB on Friday
and he said her breast structure is fine.  He's checking her thyroid and
prolactin levels.  She is now taking fenugreek and Reglan.  I got a "formula"
for sniffing oxytocin (thank you Susan), but he did not want to give her
Reglan and oxytocin.
She is giving the baby formula in an SNS and pumping with a Medela electric.
 No history of breast surgery, no retained placental fragment, no postpartum
bleeding, no severe engorgement.  She has never had a full milk supply or has
she had MER.  The LC and I are going bananas, let alone the poor mom.  She is
very committed to bf, but this has been going on for over two weeks now and
she's just about had it with the SNS, drugs etc.
Can we give her oxytocin AND Reglan?  Her supply is very low and she is not
having an MER.  She's about ready to give up.  She's willing to hang in there
til Monday til we get the test results back, but if she doesn't see an
increase in her milk supply soon I don't think she'll keep bf past that.  Are
we missing something?  HELP!!
LLL Leader