Hello everyone,
I had a case this week in the NICU which might interest the group.
31 wk. gestational age , 3 week old baby , Mother  providing EBM.
Physicians decided low weight gain. Human milk fortifier added to  feeds.
Baby soon developed an intolerance and had to be placed NPO.
Feedings restarted and weight was not satisfactory according to the powers
that be.
So '......... POLYCOSE is now being added to the EBM.
Has anyone ever heard of this ? I would really appreciate you sharing your
By the  way, the baby is gaining weight, but at one point when she had a OGT,
it was aspirated and although there were no scientific test done on the
residual, but the
aspirate looked clear and thick .... just like the polycose consistency. That
was over
two hours since the last feed.
I am reaaly concerned about this, and because the baby is gaining weight ,
this might become a trend and mothers once again may be deemed inferior.
From  Eutie Burnett rn lc.