Kathleen wrote:
>The reps are pushing formula in hospitals because they feel the influence
>the lactation community on their business, even if only a little.   It is a
>case of the Giant being pricked by the mosquito, but it is annoying

Just remember, enough mosquito bites can fell a Giant. Look at what is
happening in the USA with the various tobacco companies. I'm not *that
old* ;-) but I'm old enough to remember how futile it seemed to fight the
tobacco industry. If you had told me back then that cigarette smoking could
be banned in public places (for instance)I wouldn't have believed you. Now
look -- these companies are increasingly being held accountable for the
deleterious effects of their products. I'll bet some of their "reps" dearly
regret the years of obfuscation...

Bzzzzzz. Just keep biting.

Margery Wilson, IBCLC