Glenn Evans <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>And speaking of protocols (I was, in my previous post) -- what do you
private, >professional (meaning "for fee") lactation consultants use to
CYA, or do you just >have to conform to prevailing wisdom? Again,
Chanita, San Francisco

I am in private practice and I have written all my own protocols/parent
information sheets!!  (Mostly b/c I'm too lazy to write all that out for
each client to which it applies!) Naturally, they agree with my beliefs
100%, yet I could document the rationale for everything I use in one or
another resource.  Or our local ILCA affiliate has voted a particular
procedure as a standard of care here (example:  inverted syringes for
inverted/non-projectile nipples).  Must admit I don't have a separate
protocol for cabbage--just as a part of engorgement!  But they do use
cabbage in the local hospitals here!!
Karen Zeretzke, MEd, IBCLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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