Here is an interesting one.  A friend (in San Antonio, Texas) who works in a
prenatal care facility called me today.  One of the nurses is married to a
man who has a 6-month-old baby.  The baby is in the custody of the mother
because of breastfeeding.  The mother has now joined a cult who as I was told
"Believes in no other foods except breast milk until age 5".  Among other
things.  The nurse had breastfeed 6 years ago and wants to relactate to feed
the baby when they have her for the weekends.  However, she does not plan to
tell the mother of the baby.  The dad is planning on trying to get custody
because of the cult thing.  IF he goes through with this plan I am sure it
will be publicized.  Then everyone will probably react to the breastfeeding
more than the cult issue!  Any suggestions?  Has anyone heard of this group?

Michelle Ramsey
Dallas, Tx
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