The name of the disease where the mother makes the baby ill, then seeks
medical help is Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.  There was a recent case in

RE:  pumps given by formula companies.  The other big player who is giving
out a certificate for $10.00 sent there rep to my office.  I asked the
question:  "What else does mom receive besides a $10.00 rebate?"  I was
assured later that the "home office" says, there will be no free formula
sent.  By the grapevine came the word that the rep was hoping I would write
this as gospel on Lactnet so everyone would see how honorable his company is.
 HA!  And I'm in the market for a bridge in New York, aren't you?  I agree
with the poster who says some women can pump with anything and do well.  I
personally did better with two styrofoam cups than any pump on the market
before the Classic double came out.

Re:  Getting Rich from Pumps.  I want to meet the millionaire "lactationist"
out there.  I bet there are not too many out there doing lactation consults
that don't do some volunteer counselling.  I bet you wouldn't find anyone out
there that wouldn't do it for free all the time if they didn't need money to
eat on.  Isn't that the indicator of the perfect profession:   the one you
would keep on doing even if you didn't have to work?

I'll bet too that there would be a whole lot more LLL volunteers if so many
of us didn't need to eat and raise kids!

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