Dear lactnetters,
A very thorough and telling story on the Ezzos, Preparation for Parenting
and Babywise has just been published in a Florida newspaper, and also
been placed on their website at the following URL:  .   I would love to hear your
discussion of this article and the accompanying question and answer
series with Mr. Ezzo himself.

Personally, I'm rather angry that he has taken to telling people about
how he knows of so many FTT cases with demand feeding babies, and how
some have come to him and fixed it by scheduling.  My perspective of this
is different, as I feel that he is describing those many parents I see
who hear about demand feeding but also hear that they should let a
sleeping baby sleep.  When I teach about feeding on cue, I also counsel
parents that some babies may not waken often enough, especially during
the first week and if jaundice develops. I counsel that after the first
couple of days, they should be eating at least 8 times a day, and to
continue to make sure they eat at least this often *until* they begin to
awaken on their own, after which I trust baby to set his own routine.  It
does seem to me that Mr. Ezzo is implying that he gives proper warnings
in his material but that we  _the educators_ don't, when in fact his
materials did not contain the charts and parameters for making sure your
baby is getting enough UNTIL those of us involved with breastfeeding on a
regular basis publicly criticized the deficit in his curriculum.  I'm
also wondering what you all think about his remarks that *many* lc's are
in need of parenting classes!  ;-)

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC
Santa Maria, CA