I had to call Ross last week because someone is selling powdered ABM out of
their car & apartment in university family housing dorm here!  They put up
fliers for 2 brands (one not made here anymore!)--don't know if it was
counterfeit, exprired, or whatever.  I work with WIC & someone called us with
info.  So I called Ross & they are investigating.

Anyway, I asked about 96 BF stats while I was on the phone.  I was told that
they normally are released by now, but they got behind.  I didn't know if
they just released national stats, or if individual states were available.
 They said they don't normally release individual states, but this year they
are--from 1988-1996!  Yeah!   I am on a list to get the complete report, and
she said they hoped to have it out by the end of May.  She was nice enough to
give me a few stats for our state over the phone.  They are broken down into
BF in hospital & 6 mos, WIC only & All (WIC + non-WIC), and Exclusively BF &
"Total" BF, which is defined as excl BF + BF with any supplement--water, ABM,
etc.  I just got their 800 # off one of those awful cans at work--yech!!!

Sandy Arnold BS, IBCLC
Bloomington, IN