Those of you being in-serviced by formula reps claiming the wonders of a new
ingredient in advanced formula may be interested in preparing to respond to
this hype. The rep is probably going to give you a speech on the addition of
nucleotides to their formula. This was done in Canada first where it was
claimed that this offered some measure of disease protection. The rival
formula company challenged this claim and it had to be removed from the
advertising. Here in the US, this formula is advertised as having a new
ingredient that promotes the well being of cell membranes which brings the
formula closer in composition to breast milk.

Nucleotides are thought to be one class of the many modulators of the immune
system. They are responsible, among other things, for increased
bifidobacteria (the good kind) and a reduction in gut pathogens (the bad
kind) in the intestines of breastfed babies. The formula company picked a few
of the more abundant nucleotides in breast milk and added them to their
formula, claiming it is now the closest to breastmilk.

Several studies have shown that the addition of these nucleotides to formula
actually cause the opposite of what they were intended to do. They
demonstrated increased E coli counts, decreased bifidobacteria, and increased
counts of bacteroids compared to the fecal flora of breastfed babies.

This serves as another example of parental feeding decisions dictated by
marketing practices.

Quan R, Barness LA, Uauy R: Do infants need nucleotide supplemented formula
for optimal nutrition? Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
1990; 11:429-437

Carver JD, Pimentel B, Cox WI, Barness LA: Dietary nucleotide effects upon
immune function in infants. Pediatrics 1991; 88:359-363

Balmer SE, Hanvey LS, Wharton BA: Diet and faecal flora in the newborn:
nucleotides. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1994; 70:F137-F140