I worked for 15 years as labor and delivery nurse in birthing units before
starting on my current L.C. career.  Research was done in Israel several
years ago using a single pump to induce labor with good results.  This would
be not much different than using breast stimulation.  Our hospital protocol
includes applying warm cloths to breasts, five minutes of breast massage and
nipple stimulation by hand, rest 5 minutes, then restimulate, etc.  Do both
breasts simulatenous if no contraction.  Mom has to be monitored just as on
Pit drip.  You can turn off the Pit, but how do you turn off internal pit?
 Reality is that for Pit by IV or naturally occurring oxytocin ala
love-making to orgasm, breast stim, etc., the uterus has to have developed
oxytocin receptors in the uterine muscle to react appropriately to the
provided oxytocin.  This is where use of prostaglandins come in either gel
applied to cervix for an induction or naturally occurring prostaglandins that
are present in semen.  I have delivered 2 VBAC babies using above methods to
get labor started (along with Castor oil) This is not an endorsement of the
practice.  I was lucky.  But the last one was due on the day the IBLCE was
conducting the second set of exams and I had to be there with baby on the
outside.  We got him here exactly 2 weeks before the exam and I passed
despite postpartum amnesia, exhaustion, etc.  One caution, there may be an
association of abruption and/or precipitate labor with use of oxytocics
(natural or artificial) and I indeed experienced both of those sequelae.
 Whenever I start to get a little frustrated with my clients who choose to
feed their babies that concoction, I try to remember that I also have done
things that go against my better judgment because I felt pressured to do
something than the best. Good luck!