A recent discussion in this forum lamented the alleged recommendation
from a physician to the mother of a bf baby that she could replace the
benefits of breastmilk by adding a daily Tums (I suppose to boost the
babe's formula or milk ration?) In any case, I joked about wanting to
locate this MD so as to get him/her to recommend chocolate as a
substitute for vegetables (for me).  I am tickled  today to read in the
"London Times"  that a line of frozen vegetables have gone on sale in the
UK, and are backed by the Cancer Research Campaign, featuring
chocolate flavored carrots. This is a plan to tempt children to eat more
vegetables.  Also on sale are cheese-and-onion cauliflower,
pizza-flavored sweetcorn, and peas that taste like baked beans.

 You gotta laugh: taste testers nixed bubblegum flavored broccoli.
Whaddya wanna bet flavored concoctions for infants are next? (BF
babies already get flavored milk...one of the benes!)

Still recoiling from the thought of bubblegum flavored broccoli,
Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
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