Dear all,

Thanks for your posts on working with a mom with a stroke -- doesn't look as
though this is a "usual" for any of us!  Just an update -- mom went into
labor 45 minutes after I left her home on Saturday (remember, she was
scheduled for a C/Section on May 9), and delivered by C/Section at 6:00 pm
that evening.  Babies are in the NICU, the little boy on a respirator, the
little girl on IVs, but otherwise doing quite well.  Katie has been to the
breast for a "getting acquainted" period, and mom is pumping.  So far, has
gotten only drops.  What complicates matters is that she is 36 and these
babies are the product of several failed IVF attempts, so there is
infertility to deal with too.  Now, I realize, yet again, there is nothing in
the literature about some type of infertility leading to problems with milk
supply, but clinically, I've seen it.  She does have good breast changes, so
we'll see.  Mom & dad are thrilled, and we'll see what transpires next.  The
NICU nurse said, "I really don't think it is in her best interest to
breastfeed."  I said, "Oh?  Well, the babies have to be fed -- just what do
you think would be in their best interest?"  ARGHHHHH.

Will keep you updated....

Jan B (and there isn't any more snow on the ground here in Wheaton....)