Hi! Late night owls!!!  My personal problem with using the abm for
artificial baby milk is the word "artificial"

I have an extremely close friend who both breast & bottle-fed her six
babies.  She saw absolutely nothing wrong with using abm and still
doesn't (she is very intelligent, just not regarding abm).  She made it
very clear that she is highly offended with abm because of the word
artificial.  She wants to know what is artificial in the formula or the
feeding method.  There are not plastic ingredients as she says, I
countered what about "artificial" ingredients found in mass produced
foods, flavorings, etc.  Needless to say, this is a taboo subject between
us, because we just don't agree on the long-term effects of abm in the
diet of an infant.

As a LLL Leader, I do believe the public at large (including myself prior
to my first pregnancy) believes that formula is equal to or better than
breastmilk.  The word "formula" conjures up the idea of "scientific"
meaning modern or   "truly miraculous"  meaning "look what man has
created".  The public, in general, believes that abm is actually better
than breastmilk, because it is a "controlled" substance meaning
manufactured, measured, whereas breastmilk is an unknown quality &
quantity.  Never mind all the hype & lawsuits when there is a deficiency
found in a batch of abm.

I don't believe that the "right" word or term can be found to shake up
the public.  I think "formula" is too entrenched in our society as are
bottles.  Look at all the cute soft drink name brand baby bottles that
are produced.  Get them babies drinking "*** cola" bottles & then they'll
switch over to the "real" stuff when they get older.  Subtle brainwashing
going on?  I think not!!  The ultimate marketing ploy, you bet!!  Same
thing with popular cartoon characters on bottles.

Just as others, I think parents should sign a consent form when choosing
to use abm.  They should be given info, prenatally, of the hazards of
abm.  Yet, I always have to temper this with there may be a time such as
in the death or illness of the mother and/or parents that we should be
grateful for abm instead of just using straight cow's milk.  Because of
HIV & AIDS, I think it is too complicated to have thriving milk banks as
in years past.  People are too scared, as I believe I would be, to use
this as an option before resorting to abm.

I don't like the term Human Milk Substitute.  I believe it makes it sound
equal still to mother's milk.  The Substitute Infant Nourishment is too
long, I do like the acronym though.  Is abm "really" nourishing though?
It is adequate for infant survival.

My rantings for the night, now on to bed.

Lora Gleaton.  LLL Leader