Asacol is a drug used in inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and
ulcerative colitis).  It is one of a class of drugs used in this disease
called ASA derivatives which also includes azulfadine (sulfasalazine),
pentasa, and dipentum. Azulfadine, the oldest of these drugs has been used
safely in pregnancy and breast feeding for many years.  Asacol, which is
similar to azulfadine (except that the sulfa portion is absent), is VERY
LIKELY safe in breast feeding moms and I have personally recommended it in
these circumstances.   My question in this case is: Does this mom have proven
inflammatory bowel disease? I wouldn't recommend just "trying" this drug
without proof of disease.

Peter Salomon,MD, FACG
Board Certified Gastroenterologist
Boca Raton, FL