Be very careful.  There was a man several years ago who called a lot of us,
posing as a dad, and asking a lot of breastfeeding questions, AND about
relationships, breasts, pregnant tummies, etc. His wife could never come to
the phone for various reasons. Some people actualy sent him pictures of
pregnant tummies that he was asking about to help ease his anxieties!  He was
VERY charming and convincing. It turned out he was a fraud.  Be VERY careful
when you cannot talk to the wife herself, on the phone, not on-line.  Ask
that she call you when she is available.  Don't talk much to a man or give
him much info, especially about intimate things, breasts, sex, etc.  Some
people get their kicks this way.  If he is legitimate his wife will be able
to talk to you, live and in person on the phone-- not on-line.  BEWARE,
BEWARE, BEWARE.  This sounds very fishy and much too familiar to the other
situation.  AND don't refer him to a lot of other people without warning them
about this possibility and the need to assure his credibility.
Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC

I just had an on-line talk with a man in Princeton, NJ whose wife is
pregnant.  He had alot of "male" questions about bf & its impact on their
relationship.  Nothing really raunchy, I believe he truly wants info, & was
embarrassed to ask someone face to face.