In a message dated 97-04-02 00:58:48 EST, you write:

<<  Anna - please don't worry about producing enough milk because you are
 40! My grandmother nursed all her children for about 2yrs, including my
 mother, who was born when she was 52! >>

In my last post on this subject, I said that I keep an eye on my FIRST time
older moms.  I haven't seen any difficulty with second or third time older
moms.  My youngest sister was born when my mom was 41 and she nursed her a
year -- unheard of back in 1957!  And even then, I don't see that it is a
problem for all first time older this anecdotal?  Yup.  And what
constitutes an older mom -- 38? 40? 43?  I don't know.  I do know that I
produced absolutely NO milk in the left breast with Timothy -- I was 38 --
and couldn't produce enough in the right to totally nourish him.  This after
successfully bf the two girls with essentially no difficulty.  Using the big
hospital grade Egnell pump didn't seem to do much.  Back to work & pumping at
6 weeks I would get (on a REALLY good day) 3 ounces from the right side and 3
drops from the left.  Rather discouraging.  And yes, I had multiple workups
afterwards, and all is fine with that breast.  The only thing I can think of
is that I had had a mastitis in that breast with Torrey 6 years earlier, and
milk supply diminished, never came quite back up to what it was before -- but
I didn't have any problems with production overall.  Maybe the breasts were
tired,  not quite sure.  Though I certainly don't have any references to back
me up except a 1974 Williams & Williams obstetrics that talks about
involution of functional breast tissue in older women.  (Whatever that all
meant r/t older women).

Jan  ---  Old Lactation Consultants never die.  They just go to nursing