Maria, I whole heartedly agree with your point ..."I'd rather see the money
and effort going towards what BF moms really need...someone competent, they
know they can call anytime for support and assistance if nec."
I also have worked for a WIC department.   I know that every WIC department
is run differently.  The administrators for the department I worked with
could not see the importance of having more Peer Counselors and a competent
full-time Breastfeeding Coordinator.  They wanted to spend their money on
handouts (which probably went in the thrash) or hand pumps (if a client has a
BF problem, give her a hand pump and send her on her way that will cure the
problem and take little time).  They just couldn't understand the time
necessary for follow-up and counseling.  Mothers MUST have the access to
competent counselors who can give them qualility information and the time it
takes to support and assist them  FIRST.  Then, think about incentives if
moneys allow.

No longer working for that WIC dept.
Pat Lindsey, IBCLC