I would like to thank Darillyn Starr for her useful and informative posts on
adoptive nursing.  I work with 10-12 adoptive mothers per year, many of whom
share feedback similar to what Darillyn has generously been providing to our
list.  I have learned so much from this type of feedback, and appreciate it
greatly, as there are few citations in the literature.  I, too, have had
concerns over the depression often triggered by metaclopromide, and have not
seen the dramatic (ie full lactation capacity) results reported in the J
Trop Peds article.  The most successful induced lactation I have recently
seen was with a mother with a hx of hyperprolactinemia.  She is producing
about 16-18 oz of her own milk per day.  Her adopted daughter is 4 mo old at
present, still receiving partial formula feeds, but looking wonderful with
such a nice percentage of her diet coming from mom.


Barbara Wilson-Clay, BS, IBCLC
Private Practice, Austin, Texas
Owner, Lactnews On-Line Conference Page

Barbara Wilson-Clay, BS, IBCLC
Private Practice, Austin, Texas
Owner, Lactnews On-Line Conference Page