
     Well, I am not an LC, so ignore me if I am out of line, please!

     Kathy D, your post about ethics gave me food for thought.  Ideally,
     all children would be totally breastfed, no supplements, no EBM in a
     bottle, etc... but I just don't think it is plausible in our society.
     I am so thankful for my pump so that my babies get *only* my milk.  I
     know, I could hand express, but I am terrible at it...  As for
     bottles, well, that's easier... I can definitely see that slippery

     I know that w/o good pumps, many women would find a way; but I am also
     sure that many would decide not to hand express at work and then not
     as many babies would get the liquid gold (or at least for not nearly
     as long)

     My .02

     Wendy Funk