Once in a while you get a mother (this one is young and single) who wants to
BF more than anything and nothing is going right (got really bad advice early
on) She has Lupus and I am wondering if this can contribute to slow healing
of her severely cracked nipples (3 weeks now). I just got this case and it is
a mess. Baby has lost weight and is jaundice and anemic (hemoglobin 9.5 now
6.2) Mom pumping and giving EBM and formula. In last 5 days weight is up but
BF very painful . We hope to use an SNS once nipples feel better , despite
bottles baby will latch on correctly. Moms supply down (was not pumping
frequently due to stress). Baby being seen by specialist today due to anemia.
Til we know what is up with the baby, I have just encouraged the mother to
maintain her supply (told her the neonatalogist may really want baby to get
breastmilk) Hopefully, BF will come if we can heal the nipples and get some
positive answers about the baby's health. Has anyone else worked with Lupus
Robin B. Frees, BA IBCLC Malvern PA