In a message dated 97-03-24 00:10:59 EST, you write:

<<  I was caring
 for a mother with her healthy 35-week old triplets and was excited to
 hear that she had decided to breastfeed all three!  However she was
 supplementing with iron-fortified formula...two would BF and one would
 recieve the bottle and they would rotate for the next feeding.  She would
 pump between feedings and divided the colostrum amongst all 3. >>

Wouldn't it be a lot easier for her to nurse all 3 than do all that pumping
and cleaning, and running the risk of nipple confusion?  Some mothers of
"supertwins" have been rather disappointed to learn years later they possibly
could have produced enough milk for all 3 or 4 or 5 if they had just gone on
an nursed them all.  But because some well meaning professional told them to
nurse 2 and bottle feed the 3rd that is what the mom obediently did.   If a
supplement is really medically needed or desired she can use one of the tube
feeding devices, spoon, cup, syringe, dropper, something that avoids
artificial teats for the first few weeks.
Believe it or not mothers have totally breastfed triplets, quads, and even
quints.  To be painfully honest, they usually do it "in spite of" their
educated health care givers, not "because of" them.  The key is monitoring
these babies for proper weight gain, counting wet diapers and BMs at home and
allowing everybody (babies that is)  access to the breast.  Supplements don't
have to be used every feeding.  They might be used when mom is really tired
and needs a good sleep, or just occasionally when her milk supply seems
especially low, or at her discretion.    But just remember if the mom wants
to have more milk for her babies she needs the breast stimulation to "ask her
body for the milk".  Supplements have the same risks with multiples as they
do with 1 baby.  If she always nurses 2 and gives a bottle to the 3rd one she
will only make milk for twins.  Make sense?  All the babies need to have help
learning to nurse and need to be looked at as individuals.  And mom needs
tons of help and support at home.
You can access my article on breastfeeding multiples at the Georgetown
University site:
Also feel free to e-mail me privately.
Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lynchburg, VA