I got this query today from a friend who is pregnant with her fifth child
and is still nursing the 4th, who will be 2 at the end of this month. He
still nurses frequently, including several times at night. She believes
very strongly in the nurturing and comforting aspect of bf, but she is
considering weaning the 2 year old before she gives birth. She has many
concerns about this, and they all pretty much stumped me, having never been
in this situation or worked with any moms who have. First, she wonders if
weaning him now will make him even more jealous of the new baby, who will
then have exclusive access to the breast. Or, she wonders if she doesn't
wean him, if he will be jealous when the new baby shares the breast that
once was his alone. I hope that makes sense.

Also, she asked me if she continues to nurse right up to the birth, if she
will still experience the sore, cracked nipples she says she experienced in
the first weeks of nursing the other four babies. (She has never
tandem-nursed before). In that regard, I was only able to explain that
sore, cracked nipples are not an automatic accompaniment to breastfeeding.
She did say she didn't know much about what "correct" positioning and latch
were, but she muddled through and the pain eventually went away.

I think that if I am there (and she assures me she will call me) to check
everything we can prevent the soreness, but I'm not sure how to advise her
on what effect tandem nursing will have on the whole thing. Comments and
suggestions welcome!

Nancy Kramer
Peer Counselor
Port Angeles, WA