Had a mom call me a few days ago, concerned her 7-week old infant isn't
getting enough.  Says baby comes off the breast after 15 minutes each side
and cries due to hunger.  Also says the crying stops after a bottle of ABM
is given to "top off" the feeding.

This all began after her OB instructed her that the baby gets 80% of her
milk after the first 10-15 minutes of the feeding.  She has therefor been
taking her baby off after exactly 15 minutes on each side (ARGGHHH).

I told her to let the baby nurse as long as she wants on the first side, and
then attempt the other.  Probably, baby isn't getting enough hindmilk.

This particular OB doesn't like his patients being told anything else
contrary to his advice.  Does anyone know of ANY information supporting his
theory about the 80% in first 10-15 minutes??  Or vica versa.

Much thanks,
Brenda Phipps, BS, IBCLC