For those who've been on a while, this is a repost, so you may want to skip it:
 Breast milk is considered a clear fluid by some, but not by others.  The
current recommendation from the NEW Breastfeeding Answer Book p. 283 is as
"It was once standard advice to wean the baby temporarily when he is
vomiting or has diarrhea and instead give an oral electrolyte solution,
sold under the brand name of Pedialyte int he US, or Oral rehydration
therapy (ORT).  But studies have found that temporary weaning offers NO
benefits for the bf baby (Brown, 1991).  Human milk--UNLIKE formula and
other milk products that are best avoided while the baby has diarrhea--IS A
Armerican Academy of PEdiatrics changed its guidelines by recommending the
bf baby continue to nurse freely during acute cases of diarrhea and to
alternate nursings with ORT solution (Mauer, 1985).  Research has shown
that continuing to breastfeed significantly reduces the duration and
severity of acute diarrhea as compared to formula feeding (Haffejee 1990)
and that discontinuing bf during a diarrheal illness DOUBLES the risk of a
baby becoming sicker and DYING (Mahalanabis 1991; Clemens 1988)."

Brown, K "Dietary Management of acute childhood diarrhea:  optimal timing
of feeding and appropriate use of milks and mixed diets." J. of Ped. 1991;
118(4) pt 2: S92.

Ewer, A. et al.  "Gastric emptying in preterm infants"  Arch Dis Child
1994; 71: F24

Clemens, J. et al.  "Discontinuation of bf during episodes of diarrhoea  in
rural Bangladesh children."  Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hygiene 19988; 82:

Mahalanabis, D. et al.  "PRognostic indicators and risk factors for
increased duration of acute diarrhoea and for persistent diarrhoea in
children."  Int. J. Epidemiol 1991; 20: 1064.

Mauer et al.  "American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition:  Use
of ORT and Post-treatment feeding following enteritis in children in a
developed country."  Pediatrics 1985; 75: 359.


: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]  : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340   : )
: )             **CHANGE THE WORLD, NURTURE A CHILD!**
: )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )