Just saw TV ad. for the Jefferson Hosp. system in Philadelphia, PA..  The
theme was what makes a family and it had kids, parents, pregnant couple
etc. (rotating pics) on a couch.  It was actually cute, but then one of
the photos was a full baby bottle--nothing else in picture.  Later the
pregnant woman is talking about her excitement.  It concluded with the
toll-free number for the dr. referral servcie.  :  1-800-Jeff-Now, which
does work out of state, at least NJ.  CEO's name is Mr. Tom Lewis, 111
So. 11th St., Phila., PA  19107 if anyone wants to write.  You could
probably call and complain; the woman gave me the address. There's
probably a web site, but I don't have web access to find out.

Melissa K.