Hi Liz,
        It's great to have you on Lactnet -- thanks for explaining the NY
law and pointed me/us in the right directions for our own states...

        I have one point about extended breastfeeding in public and my
personal take on the climate in our state.  I do NOT allow my son (almost
three) to nurse in public (unless I personally know the opinion of everyone
sitting there) bc I am terrified for him and me that the "remove the
children now, ask questions later" "potection" services people will yank him
for 24-48 or more hours. This would be a devestating blow to this extremely
sensitive and shy little boy -- I shudder to think what damage a night in a
strange place with strange people who don't understand him, his needs, his
fears, his comforts, hell even his language would do to him.  What bizarre
practices would they inflict on him? force him to cry himself to sleep?
chastize him for not being potty trained? spank him? yell at him? He
wouldn't understand where we were, where he was, have no familiar objects,
would they know not to give him cow's milk? or force him to drink it bc "all
kids need 'milk' =--- you get my point, and my fears.

        I know that in the end I would win and he would be returned. BUT I
will NOT take the chance, the risk benefits ratio just isn't in our favor.

        It is my understanding that this has indeed happened and a mom I was
in contact with two years ago was told by her social worker to wean at 11
months or they would take the child and charge her with sexual abuse. Right
or wrong, true or false I am not willing to take that risk, no matter how

Anne E. Robb, MAT,

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