FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
   [log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: SIDS campaign/baby food
DATE: 03-21-97   16:27 EST

Didn't see Mrs. Gore, but heard she was so recently nominated as spokesperson
that she had to be prompted for most of it, as in "isn.t it true that brfdg is
protective" and she could say, Oh yes--then in wrapup, said AIDS instead of
SIDS and had to quickly correct.  Poor woman.

As far as baby food co is concerned, they are the same ones whose campaign for
ABM reads "If it does'nt come from you, shouldn't it come from ______"  How
they beat out their competition, I don't know--hope they didn't pay or get
paid for the privilege of sending mktg stuff to *everyone* in the US.  Its sad
that so many feel baby food has to come in little jars or pouches, when baby
would do fine on gradual intro of "people" food from the table after 4-6 mo of
age, when developmentally ready.  The number of moms that are surprised that a
baby can be offered *mashed potatoes* never ceases to amaze me.  They do not
even think to look at what they eat that a baby could eat because they have
been so *conditioned*.

Wish the SIDS people could have picked a different sort of company to
affiliate with.  Wonder if they even see the conflict of interest issue, or
think it is such a small part of Gerbers product line (ABM) that it does not

TOo many letters, not enough time.