Perhaps we should call "extended " nursing "Developmental Nursing" since it
repsects and reflects the normal developmental path of a child. This is
distinct from what some have reffered to as "token" BF or "cultural'BF or
"nutritional BF" in which children are nursed for some predetermined amount
of time to "get all the colostrum" ( they may be getting ABM as well) or "all
the immunities" (even tho we know that's not how the system works), or nurse
for the amount of time the child would have been on formula, and then wean
and " proceed to "real" food (cow's milk, etc.) It is wonderful when Moms
nurse even in these ways, considering what society shows/tells them in
general, but it does not provide the human child with its expected compliment
of all the goodies nursing has to offer for as long as it can offer them, and
as long as an indiividual child's development requires them.  Judy, again,
Brooklyn, NY