Hi to all,

Does anyone have any good studies of diarrhea and the toddler?  I have
searched the archives to no avail.  I am happy to look up the studies myself.
 Just need a good place to start.  Having my learner's permit with this
newfangled device has put me at this already for 3 days now.

I have a mom with a 2 year old who has a good case of stomach flu.  The
doctor's nurse has called the mom twice to remind her not to bf, that it is
hurting the toddler, and that, there is no benefit to bf a child this age and
now is a good time to wean.  "We know how you La Leche people are, but..."  I
submit that this child might not be in very good shape if she was to move to
pedialyte as nothing else is staying down and it's been past 7 days now.
 Anyway, the mom is interested in taking studies in order to educate her

Welcome all thoughts,

Thanks in advance,

Mia Hernandez
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