Anecdotally:  my fourth child had pumpkin-colored stoosl as described for a
couple of weeks.  He was born a couple of weeks early, thanks to castor oil,
etc. etc. so I could take the IBCLCE exam in Chicago when he was 2 weeks old!
 He was a lovely shade of orange also!  We didn't let the pedi in on this,
just nursed.  He is nearly 10 years old now and doesn''t show signs of brain
damage except for being a semi-vegetarian, Nintendo-holic, saxaphone playing,
soccer-addict bookworm! :)  Never an ear infection until weaned at 3 1/2 and
getting his first big doses of cow's milk.  Has had two ear infections, both
after receiving > 1/2 cup of dairy per day X 1 week.  My thought was perhaps
excretion of bilirubin contributed to orange stools.  Have also seen this in
my practice a few times over the past 10 years.

Sugar in stools:  This can show up in stools when infant is receiving more
lactose than can be fully linked up with lactase.   See Woolrich's work on
Colic in the Breastfed Infant.  I don't have the reference here at home, but
remember reading that in premie infants where lactase deficiency was
anticipated lactobifidus factor was found to be helpful in infant's
utilization of lactose.  Human milk promotes growth of this friendly bacteria
rather than growth of e. coli.  In healthy large weight gain infant, question
might be is baby getting large amounts of high carb foremilk before gets hind
milk.  If doctor was so concerned, he/she might advise mom to allow baby to
finish the first breast first.  I still see majority of docs telling moms to
limit to 10 minutes each side or 5/5/5/5 and other assorted myths!

Contact lense/eye changes:  Anecdotally:  After my second pregnancy at 26, I
decided to try soft lenses.  Found my eyes improved 50% during the pregnancy.
 20 years later, I wear monofocal lenses when I want to look good, bifocal
glasses when I want to really see!

Went to the baby-friendly part of BSC in Nashville.  Hope to convince my
superiors to sign up for the site visit for Baby-Friendly before long!

Jane Kershaw  : [log in to unmask]