First of all, you are not flaming, you are venting about an understandably
frustrating situation. Please be sure to let the doctor know in your report
that the mother was unwilling to feed the baby more often, and where she
obtained the info that has led her to this decision.

Then, here is a tip that I have learned from Katharine West, who has had some
success in working with these parents:  Remind the parents that the Ezzos do
preach "context" and "flexibility" in their book (even though it doesn't look
too flexible to us!).  The context is this: baby is failure to thrive and
needs to eat more, more often.  The book does allow for "temporary" veering
from the method-- emphasize this, and tell her to call her contact mother or
the Ezzos directly if she doesn't believe this from you!  Unfortunately, the
books have so many warnings about how feeding a baby whenever he cries feeds
his ego and causes him to become self-centered, that parents are too fearful
to deviate, even when officially "given" permission.

I share your frustration.

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC