Several weeks ago, someone posted a request for information relating to
anorexia and bulimia related to pregnancy and lactation.  I have worked with
several women who have been anorexic prior to pregnancy.  They are very
focused on the baby's intake and control of feeding issues.
I found three references and there may be one or two more current ones:
Bowles, BC and Williamson BP (1990) Pregnancy and Lactation following
anorexia and bulimia JOGNN, 19(3):243-248.
Stewart DE, Raskin J, Garfinkel PE, MacDonald OL and Robinson GE (1987)
Anorexia nervosa, bulimia and pregnancy Am J Obstet Gynecol 157(5):1194-1198.
Weekly SJ (!992) Diets and eating disorders: implications for the
breastfeeding mother NAACOG's Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women's Health
Nursing3(4): 695-700.
Hope this helps.

PS Is anyone who gives presentations on breastfeeding promotion efforts
interested in slides of several billboards promoting breastfeeding to
ethnically diverse populations?  I have slides left of the Project
Bestfeeding billboard (woman of color with her children: Text States
"Breastfeeding the Power of Love.  Also the same message with a Latina
message/picture and pictures of a billboard I found on a trip to Nassau last
fall.  Please e-mail me privately if you wish further information.
Mary Kay Smith, CLE, IBCLC
Romeoville, IL