I work for a WIC program in the Bronx, NY.  I have only been with this agency for a couple of months, but was with another program for 5 years.  This program has lots of "stuff" that promotes breastfeeding: Pens, bibs, pencils, magnets, etc.  Everything that the client sees says something good about breastfeeding.  I think that it goes a long way to promote breastfeeding as the feeding method of choice.  No, I don't think that incentives necessarily get women to nurse longer or more often.  But I do think that it reiterates the importance of the decision and reminds her of it every time she writes, looks at her refridgerator, spoon feeds her baby, etc.

I think visiblity is the key here.  Remember how the "competition" does it.  (Oh, if I were rich instead of beautiful................)

Barbara Leshin-Zucker, IBCLC
Highland Mills, NY
Morrisania WIC-Breastfeeding Coordinator