Note to Kathleen first:  I remembered, I remembered!

Jack says,

<< The rules of a little at a time, starting with rice cereal, one food a
 week were developed when physicians (wrongly) were advising mothers to
 start solids at 2 to 6 weeks of age.  By the time they were 6 months of
 age they were eating sushi and steak tartar. >>

I remember the steak tartar well at age 6 months....having been given nice
solids by 2 weeks....

My mother would have given cereal in the womb if she could have gotten it
there!  Though she "tried" to breastfeed me, she truly learned how to
breastfeed from the Aussies when we lived there for two years.  So my 2
sisters and 1 brother are all smarter, healthier and thinner than I am.

I suspect every first baby that comes along (in the US of A, at least) gets
rice cereal mixed with breastmilk (for the pure in heart) or formula (for the
-----) as the first solid.  Third babies get Pizza Hut Pizza crust.  And live
to tell about it.  Right Timothy?

Jan Barger